English version

What is Planetary Meditation?


- means cooperation, joint action.It indicates a situation where the resulting effect of simultaneously actingof the components is greater than the sum of the effects of the individual components.

Sometimes it is symbolically expressed as 1+1=3I. 

Main principle

A person who participates in meditation puts his energy into the whole, thereby supporting the whole.At the same time, the whole is realized through the individual, and therefore receives its energy back, strengthened by the whole.So man puts his energy into unity and this unity supports all. A person helps everyone else with their energy and strength by making their dreams come true. This is part of this help.At the same time, he receives help, strength, energy from this whole. In other words, it receives back its power enhanced by the whole.

II. Principle

The universal prayer "Let all beings be happy" says: let me be happy, that is, the one who prays like that.

III. Principle

The whole activity is based on the fact that there is no need to look for external authority, because we all have it inside. Thus, the activity encourages everyone to seek God within themselves and cultivate their own connection, thereby cultivating the supreme guru within themselves. In essence, to create your own master and supreme teacher from your inner guidance.(Note - in practice, it is enough to accept that there are no coincidences, and to take everything that comes as a lesson and study school material that educates us.)

IV. Principle

The whole activity tries to encourage everyone to try to create the most beautiful work of art out of their lives, which they are capable of,that everyone seeks within themselves their connection to the source and through it the most joyful version of themselves and their life, their dream and gift, and strive to realize their most beautiful and joyful visions and dreams in their lives,he created his dream job, his dream home, his dream life to make himself a happy being,he created a paradise out of his piece of spaceand then through these individual realized paradises we formed one huge garden of paradise.


very exact moment of the full moon, new moon, equinox, and solstice occurs at the same moment all over the planet. At this time, let's connect telepathically wherever you are in the world and pray for our planet.Any being of any creed, faith, race, nationality, age, sex, life situation and physical condition can participate in this meditation. Earthly distance is not an obstacle because what unites us is the love in our heart as the omnipresent universal energy. This activity operates on the principle that every being has an enormously powerful energy charge, the channeling of which creates individual reality and our world together.Planetary meditation tries to use the precise moments of full moons, new moons, equinoxes and solstices as capture moments for long-term systematic joint work. These astronomical moments happen all over the planet at the same time. The times are different around the world in terms of time zone, but that astronomical moment is the same for the entire planet Earth. They are not set by any earthly authority, no group is thus privileged, and therefore they are a suitable guide to the schedule of interconnection, which is thus formed by the natural cycles, order and rhythm of planet Earth.It is an ideal opportunity to connect telepathically on a regular basis. Such a regular connection with the same intention, even for just 10 minutes, could grow into a large world movement that could significantly influence the current events on our Earth in a very simple, effective and above all peaceful form. Gradually, it is scientifically proven that joint telepathic or mental action causes very interesting results, as well as the power of prayer.Yes, you just need to wish and pray at the right time, work telepathically for a while, send your energy. It is the most peaceful way of resistance that can be, it supports inner growth and work on oneself, and at the same time it does not require any great effort for its implementation, because you can connect telepathically from anywhere. You only need to do so little to make changes and the result can be so big.Very simply, the principle of this activity could be described as that its spiritual foundations support the individual potential of each individual being and believe in their inner genius.This inner genius is a kind of treasure, a gift to this world. This gift is a personal talent and a dream. He does not establish anything external as the main authority, but his own contact with the being - his own heart. This activity supports the idea that each being has his own contact with the highest wisdom, with the highest guru and teacher within himself. Therefore, he supports this wisdom and works on the principle that everyone creates the most beautiful masterpiece from his life, that everyone creates his life of dreams and fulfilled wishes, cultivates his personal strength and power, that he regularly shares this energy with others at precise moments and at the same time receives collective strength and support for its realization, and thus participated with its personal strength and energy in the collective consciousness and shaping of our reality.

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Great worldwide meditation at the exact moment of summer solsticeand an advisory ring of land guardiansSummer solstice 

 UTC 20.6.2024 - 21:51


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